March 18, 2010
Dear Supporter of Sound Money,
We have four favors to ask of you - and we are asking every last one of you, PLEASE take action TODAY. As the largest grouping of supporters of
Sound Money and
Constitutional Tender, we CAN influence the 2010 session of the Georgia State Assembly, but ONLY if people step up and are heard. The next seven days need to be busy ones for you, the Sovereign Citizens. Let's take advantage of our numbers and commitment to the cause.
"Crossover day" is fast approaching. This is the day when bills that do not pass one chamber or the other are DEAD. This year, it appears that crossover day is going to be next Thursday, March 25, 2010. This date is only ONE WEEK AWAY.
Our two supported bills -
HB 430, the "Constitutional Tender Act," and
SB 416, the "Sound Money in Banking Act" - are still alive and kicking. HB 430 has had a big hearing before the Banks and Banking Committee's combined Financial Institutions & Services Subcommittee / Regulations & Oversight Subcommittee; and SB 416 has received the co-sponsorship of a full 25% of the Senate Banking and Financial Institutions Committee!
neither of the bills have been voted on by their full committees, in order to get them a full vote on the floor of the House and Senate. Again, a floor vote MUST take place by Thursday. We have worked through the schedule that we provided our supporters for contacting the House and Senate Committee Members - without success.
TIME IS NOW SHORT. Personal contacts are best, but if you cannot do that, then PLEASE write, email, fax, and call on the telephone. With almost 3,000 members, we should be able to FLOOD them with paper over the next week.
PLEASE do the following four things:(1) If you have not yet contacted the House Banks & Banking Committee Chairman, Rep. James Mills, PLEASE do so. Mail a paper letter, and, in addition, fax it if you have access to a fax machine. Send an email, and call. If you previously sent an email, then write a paper letter, mail it, fax it, and call.
Capitol Office:
228 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
770-967-6801 (fax)
Email: Assistants:
Gail Morgart: Nemsteva: Office:
3948 Kilgore Falls Drive
Gainesville, GA 30507
Phone: 770-967-6801 (Home)
(2) If you have not yet contacted the Senate Banking & Finance Committee Chairman, Sen. Bill Hamrick, again, PLEASE do so. Mail a paper letter, send an email, and call. If you missed one or more of those methods of contact, such as you called on the telephone but did not do the others, then now is the time to do the others.
Capitol Office:
121-H State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 656-0036
(404) 651-6767
Email: Assistant:
Laurie Sparks: Office:
P.O. Box 368
Carrollton, GA 30112
(3) Then please select at least three Representatives from the Banks & Banking Committee at random (making sure to include your own as one of the three if your Representative is on the Committee), and write, email, and call those three Representatives:
Hill, Calvin (R-21) Vice Chairman 404-656-0129
chill@gilainc.comHill, Cecily (R--180) Secretary 404-656-0177
cecilyhill@tds.netAllison, Stephen (R-8) Member 404-656-0177, Stephanie (D-85) Member 404-656-7859
stuckey@mindspring.comCoan, Mike (R-101) Member 404-656-6801
repcoan@charter.netCollins, Toney (D-95) Member 404-656-0265
toneycollins95@gmail.comCox, Clay (R-102) Member 404-656-5139, Dee (D-93) Member 404-656-0287, Earl (R-36) Member 404-463-2247
earl@ehrhart.4emm.comFludd, Virgil (D-66) Member 404-656-0314
vfludd@mindspring.comFrazier, Gloria (D-123) Member 404-656-0265
frazier26@comcast.netHarden, Buddy (R-147) Member 404-656-0109
bharden@planttel.netHouston, Penny (R-170) Member 404-463-2247, Darryl (D-77) Member 404-656-0116, Margaret (D-59) Member 404-656-0265
mkaiser2@comcast.netKnight, David (R-126) Member 404-656-0152, Pedro "Pete" (D-96) Member 404-656-0314, Rahn (D-91) Member 404-656-6372
rahnmayo@gmail.comMorris, Greg (R-155) Member 404-656-8441, Randy (R-69) Member 404-656-0177, Butch (R-156) Member 404-463-2247, Allen (R-137) Member 404-656-7146
allen@allenpeake.comReese, Bobby (R-98) Member 404-656-0254, Tom (R-51) Member 404-656-5912, Martin (R-2) Member 404-656-0254, Jay (D-176) Member 404-656-7859, Donna (R-105) Member 404-656-5025, Georganna (D-60) Member 404-656-6372, Earnest (D-122) Member 404-656-6372
ma1027@aol.comTalton, Willie (R-145) Member 404-656-0254, Tom (R-3) Member 404-656-0152, Mark (R-178) Member 404-656-0188
mark@markwilliams.comThe link for the Rules Committee members is listed here: . Please do not copy all of the Representatives on the Committee on an email. The emails are much more effective if they are sent from one individual Georgian to one individual Representative.
(4) Then please select at least three Senators from the Banking & Finance Committee at random (making sure to include your own as one of the three if your Senator is on the Committee), and write, email, and call those three Senators.
Hudgens, Ralph T (R-SS 47) - Vice Chairman - 404-656-4700, Jim (R-SS 50) - Secretary - 404-463-5257 -, John (R-SS 11) - Member - 404-656-0040 -, John (R-SS 13) - Member - 404-463-5258 -, Greg (R-SS 07) - Ex-Officio - 404-463-5263 -, Ed (D-SS 15) - Member - 404-656-0074 -, Jack (R-SS 27) - Member - 404-656-7127 -, Chip (R-SS 51) - Ex-Officio -, Steve (D-SS 33) - Member - 404-656-0083 - link for the Banking & Finance Committee members is listed here: . Please do not copy all of the Senators on the Committee on an email. The emails are much more effective if they are sent from one individual Georgian to one individual Senator.
2010 is the last year of a two year session. March 25, 2010 will be the last day to pass HB 430 out of the House and cross it over into the Senate, and the last day to pass SB 416 out of the Senate and cross it over into the House.
PLEASE DO NOT DELAY!The devaluation of Federal Reserve Notes - the U.S. Dollar - will grind on with or without your participation. The time to act is
NOW if you wish to influence the passage of HB 430 and SB 416 and restore Sound Money to Georgia -- and then to the country.
WE HAVE ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT. Let's make the best of it. Please make the contacts needed to pass HB 430 and SB 416 out of House and Senate.
Thank you!
Bill Greene