Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Constitutional Tender - Help Needed TODAY

Dear Friends of Constitutional Tender,

I need your help RIGHT NOW, to take ONE MINUTE of your very valuable time, for a very quick Action Item to advance HB 430, the "Constitutional Tender Act."

Tomorrow - Wednesday - I'm heading down to the State Capitol in Atlanta, to lobby several key legislators on the bill, including: Rep. Calvin Hill, Chairman of the Financial Institutions & Services Subcommittee, and Rep. Mike Coan, Chairman of the Regulations & Oversight Subcommittee.

One week ago, Rep. Bobby Franklin, who sponsored HB 430, asked these two Chairs to schedule subcommittee hearings "for the purpose of obtaining input and suggestions from the banking community on how to best comply with the Constitution's mandate that the State use only gold and silver coin."


To date, neither has agreed to do so -- even though both had said they would.

So today, RIGHT NOW, I'm asking you to do just one quick thing: Drop Rep. Hill (chill@gilainc.com) and Rep. Coan (repcoan@charter.net) a quick email.

It doesn't even matter if you live in Georgia. They MUST hear from a LOT of folks, so we can move this bill forward! Again, their contact info is:

* Chairman of the Financial Institutions & Services Subcommittee, Rep. Calvin Hill (R-21) - chill@gilainc.com - 404-656-0129

* Chairman of the Regulations & Oversight Subcommittee, Rep. Mike Coan (R-101) - repcoan@charter.net - 404-656-6801

THANK YOU SO MUCH -- it's because of people like YOU, who are willing to take a minute of your valuable time to do something like this, that we have a GOOD SHOT at getting this bill moved through the General Assembly this year -- and even introduced in other states!



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